Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A memorable 11.12.13 for me :)

I welcome myself to the world of blogging :) since is 11.12.13, my friend told me this only happens once in every 90 years so I've decided to start doing something which I've not done. Well, if what my friend say is true, how many 90 years in life do we have ?? I don't even know if I could have the luxury of living up to 70 years old. With the very heavy pollution we have on earth, the extra work life stress, the unbalance lifestyle of more work less rest, money issues (government tax increase, food prices increase everything increasing except salary) is really hard to be able to live long. :( Aiksss... that's our life now.

However, I always believe in having a positive thinking and mentality, seeing things from a different point and perspective in life. If you were meant to be striving and chasing after money to fulfill your daily need, why not chase it happily :) Well, is easy to say,  I'm learning to live it and chase it happily too :)

I've decided to start blogging on this special day.. I think I will start blogging and sharing my thoughts on all the nice food, places, people as long as is something nice. I think blogging also helps in keeping my memories alive, years after what happen a blog actually helps you recall and makes you laugh over silly things you did, and also makes you remember a lesson and never to repeat it again.

Cheers to a happy life =)

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